Monday, September 28, 2009

Crucible Act 1 and 2 Live Blog


  1. Thank you mrs. comp for the candy. It is appreciated greatly.

  2. Would you rather die as a martyr, or live as a coward? Especially when your life is based onsuch high relisgious principles?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree in audrey, you need to stand up for what you think is right. If you do not you are not expressing your own opinion.

  5. I think Proctor will stop Elizebth from tainting her name and saying she did witchcraft. Im sure she will avoid saying she did it til death

  6. I'd rather die a martyr because it makes a much more profound impact on the community and would cause others to question their own ideals.

  7. Like Audrey said that if it is for the right thing then yes go for it. I agree with Audrey, you would be lying to save yourself, but you never know what the consequences may be in the long run.

  8. Just stand up for what you believe in if it tests your morals. But if it is something stupid like being a witch, just give in and be free again

  9. I think I would rather die as a martyr because people would know what I believe in, and why I died. People would remember me for dying for something important, rather than living for something stupid. Also, if you live with something you dont believe in, you aren't really living.

  10. I agree with Lauren because I can't really picture being a witch being the big deal the book is making it out to be, but on the other hand I believe that confessing in something you did not do is just as dumb. Why would you belittle yourself to a guilty level if you are innocent?

  11. I feel that you should always be able to stand up for what is true. In this situation, the fabrication of stories and witchcraft makes it impossible to have true justice

  12. i think it depends on how you see it, i think i would like to stay for my family and try to get throught the trial. but at the same time, i would rather die as a martyr because then the life that they were liveing would be over and in the end you would be happier. but either way they would probably kill you for information.

  13. I think its is better to die then live a life in prison. Being locked up is barley a life at all

  14. I would rather die as a martyr because back in those days they believed in god 100% so if they were innocent then they believed that they would ultimately go to heaven for the rest of time.

  15. Are the fears and motives of these characters justified?

  16. i would rather live because you shouldnt be bullied into something

    and i agree with audrey she should be punshied for inderctly killing

  17. would rather die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian? you have to think about how these girls see themselves because if one of them doesnt admit to be a witch then she is hanged and to some people that shows how much of a hero they are.

  18. i agree with audrey that Abigail is ruining everyone's lives, and everything traces back to her. If they weren't dancing in the forest, which was Abigail's idea, none of this would have happened. She is very selfish, with blaming everyone else but herself, when it truly is her fault.

  19. I agree with Audrey. Abigail is talking all of the other girls into doing what they are doing. She's the one threatening the other girls into saying what they are saying to their parents. Most of the problems in the crucible lead back to Abigail

  20. i think most of people in the dont want to be called a witchcrafts, eventhough they are witchcrafts. they're trying to hide their identity..

  21. I would die as a martyr because at least I stood up for myself and my beliefs. People would remember me better than if I hid everything.

  22. the fact that the people of salem have had never had this threat of witchcraft and the devil "being" in their town, the girls being "attacked" scarde them becuase they didnt know how to make it stop or help them. its being uneducated and being helpless.

  23. what kind of man is John Proctor? How is the fact that he is the one questioning the church and the trial proceedings inidicative of his character?

  24. Yes, they are justified however in the court they are not because the only choices are confess or be killed

  25. I do believe that the fears of the citizens are justified because if they think the devil is living amoung them, then they believe it is their duty to do everything possible to fight him.

  26. There motives are justified a lot becuase there trying to get people to trust what there and saying and beileve them. They change there actions for the good of themselves.

  27. I know that I would rather die as a martyr than live a lie. Their main belief was god and they spent their whole life focusing on how to obey his ways. If they were to be hanged they would know that they have god on their side and he would protect them.

  28. I also agree with Audrey, who pointed out how manipulative and selfish Abigail is. Abigail can relate to so many people in this day and age. They are willing to hurt anyone as long as its not them.

  29. Along with what kelly said she also is threatening them into submission keeping them from being honest with the rest of the town

  30. I think John Proctor is a good man, he knows what is right and realizes that the town of Salem is going out of control.

  31. John Proctor is a man who shows how he feels in a way along with actually telling it as it is.

  32. no they are not justified because there killing people that arent gulty that have maby just pissed them off because all you have to do is say there a witch for that person to get in trouble and or killed

  33. I agree with Audrey, Abigail is a manipulative liar and she is just a very jealous person. I think that Elizabeth wants to falsely confess to witchcraft in order to save her life and be there for her children, but Proctor is not going to let her lie.

  34. I agree with Hannah when she said that John is the most relatable and most human, in my opinion. When he questions the church, and doesn't agree with the proceedings, he is showing that he has a mind of his own, and isn't easily persuaded

  35. if you died as a martyr back in the puritan times, you would probably be hailed by others for dying for your beliefs. I think that i would die as a martyr only if it was for the right cause. I would not die for a small cause, but i would die for a big world wide effect.

  36. I dont think Proctor initially wanted to question the church. Although once his wife was accused he was quick to see the flaws in the acussations. It shows that he is very caring for his family even if he doesnt show it.

  37. John Proctor is s good man. He has strong beliefs and knows right from wrong.

  38. I think everyone has some good and some bad in them. We all have moments where we are good and do the right thing but other times we put what's "right" aside in order to save ourselves. We all are selfish to some extent.

  39. John proctor is a sinful foolish man

  40. i agree with parker and josh hes a good man who has done some bad things but that doesnt make him bad

  41. proctor is a good person, he wants to help people to solve this problem, eventhough he's ever done a bad things with abi..

  42. I agree with Brandon, he siad that he thinks everyone has good and bad in them, and you can't judge them. Like the saying you can never judge a book by its cover. Somebody may seem like they are out to do bad, and in reality all they do is good deeds.

  43. Are people acting out of vengeance?

  44. I agree. John appears to be the only person in the town with some sense in him. And even though he doesnt go to church often he still is firm in his beliefs

  45. Reverand Hale is a weird man who thinks that he is always right and is majorly egotistic on thinking when it comes to weird things that he is always right and no one has a better answer to those things then him.

  46. na hes bad to the bone

  47. i agree with what ryan is saying, hale doesnt really know what he is doing, he thinks he kinows so much becuase he has read about things in books that they havent and has seen and has been ezposed to things that the people of salem, but when he gets to the town and sees whats going on, he realizes how little he knows and fow far over his head he is.

  48. I think there acting out of fear there afraid of getting accused and or killed.

  49. I agree with Audrey, i think that these women really need help. They keep faking that they are enchanted to sent people to jail or to keep themselves out of jail. I believe that this is a jealousy issue, there is definitely no such thing as witches.

  50. I totally agree with Dylan! When people lie once they just keep lying to cover up their lies while the people around them start believing them, then the liar starts believing themselves which is what these girls are doing.

  51. not the people are acting out of fear.

  52. Parker's comment about Hale is completely correct. Hale just shows up all high and mighty and just gloats about his intellect

  53. I think these people have been told that there is an exact explanation for everything. They are not acting out of vengeance, just out of ignorance.

  54. Yes, I think people are acting out of vengeance. People in the town are randomly accusing others of witchcraft. Considering this, there may have been a past event that got one of the characters fired up.

  55. i think they need to chill and stop being so revengeful and crazy

  56. People are completely acting out of vengeance because this is their golden oppertunity to falsely blame others for a crime that could ultimately cost them their lives. They obviously aren't good puritans if they lie to destroy the reputation and lives of others.

  57. Fear can lead you to do things that you normally wouldn't do. Most people would do just about anything in order to save themselves.

    I also agree with Audrey. Abigail seems to be an attention-seeker. She does a lot of what she is doing in order to get John Proctor's attention.

  58. The girls thought they were doing the right thing by accusing people. They were really just ending innocent lives.

  59. One little lie, Abigail saying that the girls were just dancing and were startled, turned into people blaming others left and right. They've gotten to the point of no return, and now they can't just forget the whole thing. Everyone is admitting to this idea, that arised from a lie, because they are scared.

  60. Mike makes a good point these people are being quite hypocritical about their beliefs

  61. I agree with Annelise & Dylan. When you lie once, it's easy to do it again.

  62. It can drive you if you let it comsume you and let it take over your life, but Its completly possible to overcome your fear its just how much you let it take over your actions. This is happening throughout the book and is a main theme with most charcters.

  63. People aren't really acting out for vengence i think they are acting out for more of what they want. For example Abigial blamed Goody Proctor for witchcraft because she wants John proctor so badly and, Abigail figures that if she can't have John then nobody will.

  64. i totally agree with aubrey, abigail is the biggest influence on the girls becuase she is the only one who stands up and takes charge, but she is immature and doesnt know what she is doing. making the girls believe their lies and she starts to believe her lies also, but not stopping when they started to hang the accussed and not stopping wanting to save herself when if she would have just admitted to it, no one would have died and the punishment might not have been so bad.

  65. Fear is a great motivator. Fear of others creates civilizations, fear of death makes us ensure our security, etc. While fear is not the only possible motive for action, it is a very powerful one, and does drive us quite often.

  66. i agree with kelly, they were driven by fear

  67. I do think that fear drives people because people lose themsleves and forget right from wrong when they are in danger, and that's why these girls lie and frame others to save their own lives because they're scared.

  68. Ian makes an excellent point in that fear has been the catalyst for many events bothe positive and negative

  69. People are acting out in salem for what they want so then they will get what they want

  70. Vengeance is the seed that started all this, because Abigail was so mad that John chose Elizabeth over her, she wanted to get back at him. With this vengeance, she started a lie, and created a chaotic town, with no one knowing who to trust.

  71. I agree with Erin. Abigail controls all the girls, however I don't think she makes the right choices. The others girls should stick up for themselves.

  72. Fear definitely drives people, more some than others. The fear of death is definitely an issue for most people, maybe except masochists. People want to live their lives to the fullest. By dying people have their lives ended suddenly. They may want to do more stuff before they die, and they cant if death comes upon them. as humans we will lie and go to extremes to live just a little bit longer.

  73. But Parker, this is a puritan society and they are completely acting different then their values? They were taught from an early age to respect their values.

  74. I agree with Greg. Hearing about witchcraft was probably pretty exciting comopared to their mediocre puritan lives. So once someone was accused, it was the gossip of the town and it was exciting to them. So they tried to keep it going because it was entertaining to them

  75. Even in such a Puritan culture where people lead exemplary lives, by traditional roles-through God for God-what does this say about human flaw?

  76. Abigail seemed to start this whole hysteria. She was in the forest and tried putting a spell on Elizabeth just so that she could have John. Abigail is very manipulative and wants everything to work out just for her. She has an obsession with power. With her causing all of this manipulation it may have lead to everyone accusing each other of almost putting a spell on them making them a witch.

  77. I also agree, Abigail is the leader for all the girls. Whatever Abigail says, the other girls follow even if it means lives of the other townspeople.

  78. they thought that having such strict laws on the town and the people and telling them what they can and cant, and if they did it God wouldnt love them and wouldnt let them into to heaven. manipulting them into doing what they wanted but in the end, made the girls who were immature and overly curious rebell and them not take the blame. if someone tells you not to do something and you think its going to be fun, your goinjg to do it anyways just to see what happens, i think the same principles can be applied here.

  79. The town brings a simple problem to a whole new level it seems like. Also agreeing with Hannah, the people want an answer so they blame anyone just so that can be satisfied and sleep well at night.

  80. This is a great example of how humans will always act. No matter what, if someone belives something than they will have that in their mind always. It is a human flaw to not be open to new ideas and evidence.

  81. how far should you go before you confess...? I think it depends what is happening in life and the person who you are!

    Abigail thinks it's ok to lie... therefore she has caused other people to follow her and to think it's ok to lie!

    I agree with Eric that Abigail still thinks that John Proctor still loves her. But he is demonstrating that he doesn't!

    I think vengeance is around Salem because people; especially Abigail, are being very vindictive and lying about what is happening in either their life or around the town

  82. Puritans believe that god is always right and that every person must be and do right things for god to love them. But the human flaw is that nobody is perfect even in gods eyes at that time.

  83. it shows that we can't always be so perfect and that curiosity gets the best of us. we are flawed no matter what we try to do to get rid of it or cvoer it up. you cant we are human.

  84. I agree with cameron. Humans always act a certain way there raised to act this way and its evedient in the story that they act as a culture not an indvidual they follow not lead

  85. it shows that we all sin no matter what

  86. Who is more unlawful-the accused or the accusers?

  87. I agree with Dylan, they all lied at some point too.

  88. i think in this case the accuser because most of the accused are not gulty

  89. erins right no humans are perfect. We all make mistakes

  90. The Puritans believe that God is the base of their society, they need to be good in order to be accepted by God or whatever. But humans definitely are not perfect and God will accept you no matter what. But the Puritans don't realize that.

  91. Depends on the circumstances
    The accused- because they broke a law
    The accusor- they falsify information to put away innocent people

  92. The accusers are very un-lawfull just b.s'ing who is accually possesed by the devil to get themselves out of trouble.

  93. In the puritan culture, children are trusted no matter what. I do not think that abigail is part of that rule. They belived that children couldnt lie because they dont know how. Abigail has enough knowledge to lie and does so.

  94. i agree with jeff, the accuser is the most unlawful, because when they accuse someone in this case, we know that the accused didn't do anything, so the accuser is lying.

  95. Both are doing the same thing, the accusers blamed someone else to save their lives and the accused will do the same thing once they have their live threatened in court. It is one big cycle. The accused turns into the accusers.

  96. I think this is all caused by the selfish personalities that several people share, but mainly abigail...

    They need to forgive and forget, but at the same time they didn't do that, which is why it all got out of hand in the first place!

  97. I think it depends on the situation who is more unlawful. But probably the accusers because instead of looking at their own lives they choose to point out that flaws in everyone elses lives. Which creates more havoc than if they had just stuck to their own business.

  98. I think the accusers are more unlawful. The accused can't control what might be possibly happening to their body. On the other hand, the accusers can possibly have been holding a grudge on somebody and want to do them justice. Accusers are basically lying to save their backs. Who knows maybe somebody else will have a grudge on them and they will get accused. It's like a big chain reaction.

  99. I think that the accuseres are more un-lawful becasue they are going against the Puritans law and lying when they are kids and blaming other people and they also killing those poeple by accusing them of what they are supposidly doing.

  100. i agree with greg, he is the backbone of salme, he shows everyone else that its okay to stand uo for what you believe in and second guess things.

  101. What's it mean when Proctor at the very end of Act 2 says...It is a providence,and no great change; we are only what we always were, but naked now...and the iwnd, God's icy wind, will blow?"

  102. gods not gona accept everybody, some will go down the stairway to hell. why else would it be there.

  103. I agree with Audrey. At first I didn't like John's character because he slept with someone else while he was married, and because it seemed like people were scared of him, so it seemed like he bullied the townspeople. However, now i think he is the most likeable character because he knows he commited a sin, but he is really trying hard to save his marriage, and he is truly sorry and suffering from what he did.

  104. The accusers were less lawful. Had they been lawful, they would have made a genuine attempt to determine guilt and would have executed the guilty. Instead, those who admitted to witchcraft were spared, and those who didn't appease their accusers, and claimed innocence, were executed.

  105. I agree with Bree. We can't always judge people on their past if they are so passionate about who they are now. One infedelity shouldn't run your whole life. There should be forgiveness if there is a promise never to do it again.

  106. So...what does "a name" represent?

  107. Salem is a small town, not many wise people live there. that's why if someone do something weird or someone did something not usually did by most of people, many people will try to follow it. they just want to satisfy themselves without think about others.

  108. God see's use for what we have down and whatever you do to hide it isn't going to chnage what you did. If your a sinner your a sinner no matter what your doing to hide it god will see the truth.

  109. i think it means that there back to the basics

  110. the "icy wind" may be death. Be saying it will blow may mean that these girls are going to be hanged and die.

  111. a name is who you are and what your known for, its your reputation.

  112. I agree with Hayden he can tell the church but at the same time he is nervous to tell everything...

  113. how is abigail and proctors affair such a big part of the book when it never happened

  114. "A name" is societies reputation for you. If your have a bad reputation for yourself then you would taint your "name" and seem like a bad person even to people you have never met.

  115. its a major part because it puts another plot device into a story that has little information

  116. Like John Proctor wanting to save his wife by exposinh Abigail-would you lose your reputation to save the whole?

  117. I agree, I think Abigail will deny it because if it isn't her ratting John out, than she doesn't want anyone else to know she was with John. I think its gotten to a point where she is so mad at him, that the only way to get him in trouble were if she told everyone, and if he told people, that would make her look bad.

  118. The citizens all had "names" in the town. It's there reputation, good or bad.

  119. A name is what defines you, it almost shows who you are and what personality you might have. Its your reputation.

  120. I also think that John Proctor is the voice of reason and that he has his own ideals that are completely different from what the church thinks and from what other people think. Also, he knows that he has comitted a major sin and that he can't go back and get rid of that sin, so he knows that he will live with that for the rest of his life. I think that he tries to show what people should actually look for in life and what poeple should and should not do in life.

  121. I completely agree with cameron. The whole book is driven by this sin that was never done.

  122. I agree with Bree and Hayden, I think that if Proctor admitted to his affair then all the accusations would stop and everyone would realize that Abigail is just seeking revenge.

  123. yeah i would personally, saving someone you love or others is more important than yourself and you reputation.

  124. Cameron, great point... i don't see how Arthur Miller made this such a huge part of the book . It is historically innacurate and shouldnt mean that much

  125. i think so. because back to the past, we have to be responsible with what have we done in the John proctor..he has to be responsible with did he do..

  126. I think that i would expose my reputation to save the whole any day.

  127. If you know the truth you should speak it always. The truth will always be found in the end when you try and hide it
