Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Your Learning

Please repsond to ALL of the following questions/statements-make sure to label your answers accordingly: (Please make sure to proofread and use complete sentences)
1) What is the value of learning?
2) What is your role as a learner?
3) What constitutes a "good" student? Hence, what do you expect of yourself and your classmates as students and learners?
4) What do you expect of a good, quality teacher? Thus, what do you expect of me?
5) List one expectation you have of this class (what will make this a great class?)
6) What does this class need to do/have in order for a productive, fun, learning environment to exist? What does that look like?

P.S.-Be specific. Please don't just say vague things like, "have fun"-what does that look like/feel like? Use active verbs.


  1. 1) What is the value of learning? To gain new knowledge and to be better educated about things
    2) What is your role as a learner? My role is just to sit and listen from the teacher
    3) What constitutes a "good" student? Hence, what do you expect of yourself and your classmates as students and learners? A good student is some one who is responsible and some one who gets there work in on time and complete
    4) What do you expect of a good, quality teacher? Thus, what do you expect of me? Explains everything in good detail
    5) List one expectation you have of this class (what will make this a great class?) for it to be hard
    6) What does this class need to do/have in order for a productive, fun, learning environment to exist? What does that look like? Not work all the time it has to have some games of fun thing incorporated in it

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 1) What is the value of learning?
    To better educate on many things that will prepare you for your future.
    2) What is your role as a learner?
    To listen to what the teachers are telling me and absorb the information and try to apply it in any that us as students and learners can.
    3) What constitutes a "good" student? Hence, what do you expect of yourself and your classmates as students and learners?
    To listen in class, obey the teacher, respect their piers, turn in their homework on time, apply themsleves in any way that they can and getting good grades and Working hard all year.
    4) What do you expect of a good, quality teacher? Thus, what do you expect of me?
    To always try to explain what they are teaching the best way that they can. Help us when we need help and not get frustratred if we dont understand something.
    5) List one expectation you have of this class (what will make this a great class?)
    To be hard and challenge us everyday, make us think and apply ourselves.
    6) What does this class need to do/have in order for a productive, fun, learning environment to exist? What does that look like?
    To incorporate fun into our learning. Things that we can enjoy as a group.

  4. 1)The value of learning is to enrich your mind with new information and valuable facts so that on your way though life you can teach others as well as use that information in your own career.

    2)My role as a learner is to listen and try my hardest so that I can move through life being a better minded person.

    3) A good student is able to communicate with his or her classmates and teacher without being disruptive. Also, they are able to contribute to the class rather than take away.

    4) I expect a teacher to be lenient as well as harsh to those who deserve it. They need to really understand a students life and how our lives can be and be able to adjust and listen to us.

    5) I expect a challenge as well as a lot of fun but with a lot of learning.

    6) To be productive and fun i expect a lot of group work and fun along with discussions and involvement with everyone.

  5. 1) The value of learning is to gain new knowledge which one may utilize in life to one's advantage.

    2) The role of a learner is to learn what the teacher is teaching to the best of one's ability and to use that information effectively.

    3) The ideal student fulfills the role of the learner completely. I expect the students of this class to strive to attain said status.

    4) A teacher should be able to present information regarding one's subject in a logical, engaging, and effective manner. All information should be both relevant to the topic of the class and intellectually challenging.

    5) This class is about American literature, and as such should be focused on the great American authors. "Popular hacks" should be kept to a minimum (if they appear at all). Also, no piece of literature should be included that has not withstood the test of time, meaning that recent literature must be excluded from the cirriculum. One possible time limit could be twenty years minimum age.

    6) To be productive the students must be focused on the current task. To be fun the teacher must present informaion in an engaging format. How this is achieved is at the teacher's discretion, based on his or her knowledge of how the class is lkely to act in given situations.

  6. 1)The value of learning is that we, as humans, are able to gain, contribute, and attempt to grasp a better understanding of this life we live. There is an incomprehensible amount of discovery in our world and greatly beyond it. It is important for us to tap into these streams of knowledge so that we may not only feed our hungry minds and souls, but that we may feed the minds and souls of others.

    2)I believe my role as a learner is to collect; collect words, facts, thoughts, ideas, and patterns…But my role is not only to collect these elements of learning. My role also includes applying these things to relate to me and my life. Without delving into these collections or applying them, there simply is no use for them.

    3)A “good” student has an active mind. This is what I expect of me and my classmates as students and learners. Contributing an active mind makes an incredibly deeper impact on our discussions and daily activities that will ultimately improve us as writers.

    4)The elements of a good teacher: Provides engaging prompts to discussions and to life itself; allows students to expand on their creativity and individuality; has as much to gain as they have to give. One of the first things Mrs. Comp said as she introduced herself was this: “I have as much to learn as any of you do. I’m right there with you.” Mrs. Comp, you have exceeded these expectations already.

    5)I don’t have many expectations of this class…just one big expectation: I am hoping it is everything I have ever had in a good class and more. One thing I am looking for in particular is a respectful, caring, encouraging attitude among my peers.

    6)As students, peers, and friends, we need to have open minds and open hearts to what others have to offer. We need to be OURSELVES. We should have a good balance of crazy but focused. This should take our learning above and beyond.

  7. 1. The value of learning to me is being able to have the knowledge necessary to answer difficult questions and answer them in a logical way.
    2. My role as a learner is to get the most out of every situation, and to make sure that I grow as a person while I learn.
    3. A good student is someone who puts forth their best efforts and learns something from every situation.
    4. A good teacher will try to learn the strengths and weaknesses of student and do their best to prepare students for the next step in their lives.
    5. I expect to come out of this class thinking things through more and I expect to develop in my writing technique and skill.
    6. For this class to be productive I think that the teacher should be able to make light of any situation meaning they aren’t always serious about everything. I also think it helps a class when the students and teacher have energy and want to have fun.

  8. 1. To me, the value of learning is that we, humans, are able to understand and become more knowledgeable about our existence and why we are here. Also, to appreciate the importance of how incredible and useful each and every one of our current and future discoveries are.
    2. My role as a learner is to be able to listen and assess what is being taught with an open mind and a desire to learn and understand its meaning.
    3. To me, a “good” student is one who is responsible and respectful, but also willing to go the extra mile to really comprehend or help someone else comprehend a certain idea. A good student helps out their classmates, and asks for help when needed. I expect that my classmates and I will be responsible with assignments and grades so that we are able to help each other out.
    4. I expect a good, quality teacher to engage each and every student, because I believe everyone has something very important and unique to say that will change perspective on people’s thoughts. Also, a good teacher assigns work that will be help students grasp the concept that we are learning, and to help us when we do not understand.
    5. One expectation I have of this class is to be able to have meaningful discussions about literature and what it means, so we can have a better understanding about American Literature.
    6. In order for this class to be productive, we need to be able to see both sides of the situation. In order for this class to be a fun environment, is to incorporate activities and games that are helpful.

  9. 1.) The value of learning to me is not only trying to get an education to get into a good college or prepare for the future but also be able to understand our existence and why things work the way they do, comprehend what other people or talking about, and to have an educated conversation with somebody.

    2.) My role as a learner is to sit and listen carefully to what my teacher and classmates are talking about and comprehend and apply it to our work.

    3.)"A good student" is a student who can listen, have a positive attitude and who can add to class discussions is responsible and turns stuff in on time and is respectful to their classmates and teacher and always puts out their best effort. This is what i expect of me and my classmates.

    4.) A good quality teacher engages their students in their work, has fun at appropriate times, can connect with his or her students, makes the class feel comfortable, and does a lot of hands on activities and demonstrations.

    5.) Some expectations I have for this class is for it to be a challenge and apply what we have learned everyday and to have good creative class conversations.

    6.) In order of this to class to be productive we need to have engaging prompts and activities, to be serious when needed but also have fun as well. For this class to be a fun environment we need everyone to participate and be respectful to others and to make everyone feel comfortable in the classroom.

  10. 1. I believe that the value of learning is to enrichen your mind and gain new knowledge.
    2. My role as a learner is to absorb everything my teachers and my class mates say that I had already not known. I also need to be an active learner and ask questions when I am not sure.
    3. A "good" student will take responsibility for their own education and take their classes and instructors seriously.
    4. A good teacher wil try to learn the stregnths and weaknesses of their learners and adjust their teaching strategies to fit. I also would expect that a teacher explains every task in detail so that everyone will understand it.
    5. I would hope and expect that this class prepares me for college and makes me a better writer and reader.
    6. I like to have an active and engaging learning environment with many hands-on activities.

  11. 1. The value of learning is to enrich your mind with new facts and ideas to help you through life in every aspect and so that you can then teach others what you have learned.
    2. My role as a learner is to listen, think and communicate with others to enhance my in class and life experience.
    3. A good student is able to communicate and contribute to the class in a respectful and helpful way.
    4. A quality teacher listens and tries to understand their students to help make the class a better experience for everyone. They also engage their class in activities that are fun yet still necessary for learning purposes.
    5. I expect this class to be challenging yet fun at the same time.
    6. Something that this class should have to make if a great class is group activities and discussions to engage everyone in the learning and help everyone by getting other people's perspectives on certain subjects.

  12. Q) What is the value of learning?
    A) I think that the value of learning is not only to gain an education but also to be a smart and successful human being in today's world.

    Q) What is your role as a learner?
    A) My role as a learner is to not only listen to what is being taught to me, but to also apply the information to my life.

    Q) What constitutes a "good" student?
    A) I constitute a good student as being on top off all their work, and coming in and asking questions if the do not fully understand the concept being taught.

    Q) What do you expect of a good, quality teacher?
    A) I believe that a quality teacher makes their class a fun and engaging experience for everyone. Obviously that may not be the case every single day, but as much as possible. I also believe that the teacher should listen and try to get to know each one of their students.

    Q) List one expectation you have of this class.
    A) One expectation I have for this class is that we will have fun while also learning plenty of useful information.

    Q) What does this class need to do/have in order for a productive, fun, learning environment to exist? What does that look like?
    A) This class needs to have participation from the students, good manners which includes respect towards each other. I also think that we should incorporate music into the class.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. 1: If you don't learn anything, you can't ever change or improve, so pretty darn important ey?

    2: My role as a learner is to participate and share my ideas, and take in other ideas that are worth learning.

    3: Don't purposefully act dumb and share your thinking.

    4: To help us develop and improve.

    5: To have some fun/open conversations about the topic but also get something out of it that's worth remembering.

    6: It needs to feel comfortable and open so people aren't too nervous to say what they're thinking, and I don't really like white walls. It makes me tired. But oh well. I agree with Addison, some music would be nice. No country though. Please, no country.

  15. 1. The value of learning is to expand your knowledge as far as possible so that you can be a positive influence in the world such as solving unexplainable problems.
    2. The role of a learner is to contribute in class when possible and to have an energetic attitude towards the subject.
    3. A "good" student is learning for the sake of retaining the information for personal use, when an "average" student learns for the sake of a letter grade.
    4. A good quality teacher is passionate about having their students learn and strives to make lessons enjoyable.
    5. I hope that this class provides all the tools I need to excel in American literature, to prepare me for my senior year English class, and start to prepare me for college curriculums.
    6. This class needs to get all of the students to contribute to discussions which would eventually help struggling students understand the subject better.

  16. 1)The value of learning is to at least become a competent human being. Beyond that we all need to learn to contribute and add purpose and meaning to society to improve our lives and the lives of people around us.
    2)My role as a learner is to acquire and retain as much knowledge as possible and apply that information to my life.
    3)A good student is one who is willing to be open-minded, contributes their thoughts and ideas, communicates with their peers, asks questions, and acts responsible and respectful.
    4)I would expect a good teacher to find ways to engage students through interesting teaching techniques. They should also encourage student’s strengths and help to improve upon their weaknesses.
    5)I expect to come out of this class knowing a lot more about American Literature and to have expanded on my reading and writing skills.
    6)In order to have a productive, fun, learning environment the classroom should be a place where students want to share and fell comfortable doing so.

  17. 1) The value of learning is to further your knowledge in order to be able to influence the world in a positive way and to help better our society.
    2) My role as a learner is to listen and comprehend what I am taught so that I can take what I’ve learned and pass it on to someone else.
    3) A good student is one who stays on task and pays attention so that they can contribute to the class in helpful way. A good student listens and isn’t distracting to their classmates.
    4) A quality teacher cares about their students and wants to help them learn in any way possible. They respect their students and make the class fun but still educational.
    5) I expect that this class will challenge me in order to prepare me for college and that I have a better understanding of American Literature.
    6) In order for this class to be productive we should do group activities so we can see everyone’s perspective on things.

  18. 1.) Learning is priceless. All living things depend on the ability to learn to survive and grow.

    2.) As a learner i must do my best to absorb as much important information as possible and never stop learning.

    3.) A "good" student is someone who participates, asks questions, and assists in the learning of others.

    4.)I expect the teacher to be challenging, supportive, and understanding. I want a teacher to push me but to also slow down and help when I need it.

    5.)I hope that this class is fun, but very challenging. I also hope to improve on my writing skills.

    6.)In order for this class to have a productive and fun learning environment the class must enjoy learning this subject. The entire class must participate throughout the year. We should have a mix of sources of information: activities, movies, group projects and the boring stuff.

  19. 1.Learning is one of the most important aspects of life. Learning teaches us not only about the world around us, but gives us a deeper understanding of ourselves. By learning the mistakes of past humanity, we can be sure that the past will never repeat itself. Also, by learning more of the world around us we can help preserve the beauty and bounty of the world for future generations. Learning is essential for humanity to mature and continue to thrive.
    2.My role as a learner is to pay attention in all aspects of life, because every moment is a teaching moment. I will also need to pay special attention in classes, so that I will not miss on both small and large details.
    3.A good student is a person that not only memorizes the material assigned, but also comprehends and understands what is being said. A good student also pays attention in class and is polite to both the teacher and his or her fellow students.
    4.A good teacher is a person that not only teaches the information, but connects with his or her students. I expect that you will provide a learning environment such that no one is afraid to give an opinion on a subject, even if it differs from your opinion.
    5.I expect that for this class we will read one of the “Great American Novels” like Huckleberry Finn, Moby-Dick or The Grapes of Wrath. For this class to truly be an American Literature class, we should read books from many different eras of American literature.
    6.I think that for a productive, fun, learning environment to exist, the students must not be afraid to give their opinion without the class mocking them. The class should keep an open mind and the students should learn from other peoples’ opinions. I also believe that for this class to be fun the teacher should be able to give information in different types of formats, instead of lecturing for an entire class.

    P.S.-It will not let me underline the titles of the novels.

  20. 1. So that we are able to do as much as possible in life. We can’t do much without knowledge. It will help us in our future as well as today.
    2. To take in as much information as possible.
    3. A good student is one who completes all of his/her work on time and neatly. A good student also displays an interest in the subject being studied in order to fully understand and comprehend the material.
    4. A good teacher must have many of the same qualities as a good student. Showing support in the students is key for teachers.
    5. That everyone is willing to work and have fun! Although it may not be a favorite topic or book, it can be made fun if you try.
    6. It needs to have active members of the class. If the same two or three people give their input all semester then there most likely won’t be a lot of learning going on for everyone else.

    Josh Escue

  21. 1. The value of learning is so that the next generation can improve upon the work of the passing one
    2. To absorb the necessary knowledge required to be an asset in modern society rather than a hindrance
    3. A good student is one that applies them so that they can learn the presented material. Also a good student is one that is focused on learning
    4. A quality teacher is one that makes the material fun and worth learning. Whereas a poor teacher is one that makes learning a monotonous task
    5. One expectation is that the papers wont be a long hindering process
    6. The primary thing that I can thin k of is that it should be fun. Nobody wants to dread going to a class.

  22. 1. The value of learning is to embrace information and utilize it later on in life. Learning helps us to be successful and knowledgeable.

    2. A good learner, listens to the teacher and takes away as much as he/she can from the lesson.

    3. A good student always pays attention in class as well as contributes to the conversation when necessary. They also turn in papers on time and are organized for class.

    4. The teacher should make the class enjoyable and go into detail to make things easy to understand.

    5. I expect this class to be challenging but yet making me a stronger reader and writer.

    6. This class should be an active/hands on environment, including lots of group activities. I think that is the best way to learn and be productive.

  23. 1)My role in learning is to listen to others and learn from what they are saying and then translate that into real life things that I need to be successful.
    2)My role as a learner is the same thing as me in learning by listening to teachers and students and then applying it to the real world and then also help other people by understanding that.
    3)What constitutes for a “good” student for me is someone who listens to those around them and can let others listen and learn and if other students don’t understand then the help them.
    4)A good quality teacher is someone helps their students understand the prompts that they are given and help the student become well rounded all together. What I would like to expect from my teachers is exactly that.
    5)For everyone to have a good time but to also be challenged with certain things in this class so everyone is at the same level when it’s over.
    6)For people and others to have fun and do work but not being able to get way off track.

    Parker Smith

  24. 1. Learning is the basis of our life; it is learning that allows us to do new things as well as do the old things better.
    2. My role as a learner is to absorb the things I learn and apply them to my real life.
    3. A good student is always able to listen and is open to learning. Also, a good student understands why he/she is being taught and is able to apply it.
    4. A good quality teacher needs to explain concepts in different ways so that all different styles of learning are tended to. A good teacher can listen to a student’s troubles or problems and should help them accordingly.
    5. In order for this to be an effective class, I will need to learn things slowly. In other words, concepts taught too quickly are hard to absorb and cannot be used.
    6. A productive classroom has a balance between fun and learning, too much of either leads to problems. Working in groups allows for learning to take place while also acting as a social time.

  25. 1. My role in learning is to expand my knowledge and grow and learn new ideas.

    2. My role as a learner is to get as much as I can out of the information and utilize it in life.
    3. A good student gets good grades and gets a lot out of the class
    4.A good teacher is someone that keeps the attention of the students and can relate stuff to us.
    5. I expectation is it to be challenging and interesting in different ways.
    6. Everyone working together and getting the information while having fun.

  26. 1.The value of learning is to understand the world around us, be able t know what your doing. And beng intelligent is kind of an awesome thing nobody likes talking to dimwit.

    2.My role as a learner is to absorb and soak up as much information as i can and be able to understand it.

    3.A good student is engaged and and respectful to the teacher and their peers. A good student keeps up with there work and listens well.

    4.A good teacher is a teacher who is understaning, easy to talk to, engaging, and caring.

    5.My expectation for this class is not only to be well prepared for next year but for life as well, learn knew things and grow.

    6.For this class to be effective and fun i think it would be highly benfical to incorparate plenty of state changes and for the whole class to work well together and respect each other!

  27. 1) What is the value of learning? The value is simply intellect, being an intelligent individual is essential to a happy and successful life.
    2) What is your role as a learner? I am in complete control of my learning; I must pay attention to the teachers and abide by all their expectations.
    3) What constitutes a "good" student? Hence, what do you expect of yourself and your classmates as students and learners? A good learner is someone who works hard, does their absolute best to understand all topics, and reach the absolute limit of their intelligence. (If there is one of course)
    4) What do you expect of a good, quality teacher? Thus, what do you expect of me? A teacher must demonstrate and lecture their topics clearly and efficiently, causing as little confusion as possible for the students.
    5) List one expectation you have of this class (what will make this a great class?)Not just a bunch of blogs, you can call me old school I am a fan of parchment.
    6) What does this class need to do/have in order for a productive, fun, learning environment to exist? What does that look like? Valuable information is a prime way to keep me focused, if its worthless than the time spent is worthless. Also a fun, energetic system of performing activities helps to keep things interesting.

  28. 1) What is the value of learning?
    know lots of new things
    2) What is your role as a learner?
    be a good and dicipline student in class
    3) What constitutes a "good" student? Hence, what do you expect of yourself and your classmates as students and learners?
    a good students have to understand the teacher, not only the teacher has to understand the students
    4) What do you expect of a good, quality teacher? Thus, what do you expect of me?
    a teacher has to know and understand all the students' skills in that class
    5) List one expectation you have of this class (what will make this a great class?)
    good relationship between students and teacher
    6) What does this class need to do/have in order for a productive, fun, learning environment to exist? What does that look like?
    cooperation between teacher and students

  29. 1) My value of learning is very high. I think that the power of the mind is a great thing that should be enhanced whenever the oppurtunity is presented. So i value all of the things i learn.

    2) I think that my role as a learner is the main role. I think that a teacher can only do so much to teach, and that it is my role and job to pay attention, take good notes, and do all of my homework. I think I play a lead role in my learning.

    3) I belive that a good student is a student that wants to achive knowldge and is willing to go the extra mile to learn the information. I expect my classmates and I should be respectful of eachothers learning and help when someone asks.

    4) I expect that a quality teacher trys to best explain all of the information that we are presented with. I only expect you to try to best explain the information and the assinments.

    5) One expectation I have of this class is that i will learn to annotate better and better understand what I am reading.

    6) I think that a class must have the teacher in charge and not a push over that lets the students talk the entire time. I think that there should be times when students can talk but only when its approprate. I think a productive class is shown when all of the kids understand the material and it is a fun learning enviornment.

  30. 1. Learning enables us to go further in life. To go to college and then hopefully become successful.
    2. My role is to get as much as I can out of school. To listen and learn to my full effort.
    3. A good student pays attention in class and doesn’t disrupt the class. That’s what I expect out of me and my class mates.
    4. I expect you to be able to teach me about American Literature and make me have fun at the same time. As long as it won’t be dull.
    5. I expect to have improved my skills in writing, reading, and questioning.
    6. Group projects and fun activities. It needs to be interesting.

  31. 1. To get into a college that is right for you and to then use what you learn to make yourself happy after college.
    2. To listen to everything then decide by myself how to use the information
    3. Someone who is an active learner. Not someone who just shows up, but a person that is enthusiastic about learning.
    4. To be understanding of students situations, but to also have high expectaions for us, and want us to get an A as much as we want to get an A.
    5. I want to be schooled in how to write an essay.
    6. A laid back attitude sometimes but when something is important we need to have the ability to be serious.
